Welcome to China Way radio station!

China Way – the first Russian radio station that will tell you about China. If you’re in China, you will learn helpful information which will ease life on this planet, if you’re at home and want to go on a trip to China, plug speakers louder, and don’t forget to fasten the seat belts, our journey may excite the mind like a roller coaster. Ready? Then we start!
In order to join us and listen to the first and the best, radio in China, click on the picture below. If you listen with mobile Internet, we care about saving your traffic, feel free to crank it!
In our broadcast you will find out about interesting places in China, acquainted with the peculiarities of native character. Interesting, informative interview, funny stories, jokes, anecdotes, lowickie legends and epics and the sea, cool music and excellent mood! Let’s go. Hurry! Connect to China Way!